
A Reflection/Final Post

  Hi everyone, This is the last time we meet, unfortunately. We have ended the term. We were here with you to show you our materials designed for our students as it was in the first term. What we have dealt with together ? First of all, we learned what is 21st century learning. We examined it from different perspectives.  We studied in groups. We crossed our borders, we became familiar with group working. We had tough times, we couldn't find proper tools or etc. But we have learned how to overcome difficulties we had. We learned searching for alternative ways all the time. We learned directing students, making them the main factor of the learning process which is vital for attracting them.  We have ended the term as our hands are full of baskets with flowers, I mean. It was enjoyful journey for me. I finished the class with a difference on me : Now, I know how to create fitting material for our students and how to make them informed about anything. It will prevent confusing.  Now,

The Webquest Creating Task

  Hi everyone,  I hope you are fine and healthy. We are here again with our last task of the year and the term. It is 'Webquest Creating Task'. We are supposed to choose a topic from the material given us. It is for preparation students to high school. We worked in groups and we were with İlayda, again. We choose the film project and we wanted our students to read short stories given and choose one of them and prepare a poster of it and a ticket for it. We aimed developing our students reading, analysing and thinking skills in that task. They will use their abilities and they will do it enjoying the process. In that point, I think the webquest task is the most effective one. Because it is attractive and it directs students step by step. It is the only one I can use in my classes without hesitating. It directs but the students are the center. They have to direct themselves according to the given instructions. It is inevitable useful and easy. It is the most matching one with the

Augmented Reality Task

  Hi everyone, I hope you are all fine and healthy. Now, after a brief break, we are back here again our new task, Augmented Reality. I have to say that,it was the most challenging task not only for the second term, but also for the whole year. You may wonder 'Why?' Because we had difficulties while searching for application to create augmented reality, 3D forms and so on. And at the end, we couldn't find the proper app to create augmented reality and we had to use only 3D Models to include some visuals for our students. Augmented reality is like re-creation of the reality in virtual environment.  We use it in our classes. I think it is useful in that attractiveness. I really like visiting the well-prepared realities and it makes data permanent. It is funny, also. But, in that preparation a reality, I can't say it is funny. We gave it lots of time and patient because our apps didn't work properly. We tried to do our best, but as I said, it was pretty challenging. We

Flipped Grammar Teaching Video Task

Hi everyone, I hope you are all fine and safe. Today, we will talk about Flipped Grammar Teaching Video Task. As you can remember, we have done another flipped teaching video which is about vocabulary teaching to elementary students. Grammar video is to prep students to high school.  Because of this reason, we don't want to use illustrations here. Instead, we made us recorded real. We thought it would be better them to focus. As you can see, we worked here with groups, again. We were together İlayda, again (you can see her blog link below).  I think, creating a grammar video to prep students was easier than elementary ones. Because we are much more familiar them, our ages are closer and we can realize what they need, what they want to and most important, how can they do that. So, the way we deal with the task has shaped by thinking the issues.  The prep students are more tend to use flipped classrooms than the younger ones. They can lead themselves, they can know where to note, whe

Flipped Vocabulary Teaching Video

  Hi everyone, I hope you are fine and healthy. We are here with our new task, Flipped Vocabulary Teaching Video. In class, we talked about ‘flipped videos’.   It is student-based learning. You know, traditionally the classes are given by teachers. Students are in the second plan. But in this, as we teachers, we only direct them with proper instructions and the rest of the work depends our student. It is an advantegous thing because it gives chance to our studens learn by themselves out of class. They can access the video and activities without teacher. But, it could be dangerous because if s/he learned something wrong, it would be harder to make her/him learn it in a true way. But, we can deal with useful instructions and activities. Me and my pair, İlayda, we used ‘Animaker’ to create one. It was very tiring, actually. It should be well-designed and prepared and so, we worked hard on it. It was the most challenging part of group work is meeting. Internet disconnections, time m

Language Awareness Tasks based on Corpus Use

  Hi everyone, I hope you are fine and healthy. Today, we are here with our first task ‘Language Awareness Task’. We have done it with my pair, İlayda. What we have dealt with it ? We gave instructions to our students and we made them discover the rule by themselves as proper to 21 st century learning principles. We made them use corpus, and we wanted them to be discoverer of the specific rule, content etc. We used the communication platform, Zoom and every detail of the task has been made by us. We had a lot of fun because while we were directing our students, we directed us to make everything clear and easy for them. Until the next task, it was all for me. See you soon. Loves, Şayan.   ( My pair's blog )    

Together, Again ..

  Hi everyone, As you know, I am Şayan from Marmara ELT. We were together last term to share what we do in our Educational Technologies class. We were doing tasks weekly, we were creating things to adapt 21st century learning. It was a good experience. We have had a break, we rested and we are are ready to create new content for this term. At break, I tried to make my life much more funny, you know this pandemic issue, unfortunately. And for me, it was a pretty short break. I couldn’t find enough time to wander, read or research etc. But yet, I read a lot. I extended my library and I spent my money for useful things. I got 2 flowers, one of them is daisy and the other one is carnation. I have a golden fish whose name is Aşk Adam, we spent time together. I am the mother of two flowers and a golden fish. It was a short view of my break. Now, in this term, what we will do with our blogs ? First of all, we were students last term.   At this term, we will be teachers for the course ‘M